The Role of Tourism

Forging Connections

It's National Travel & Tourism Week! Here at Destination Innovate we're celebrating by using this as a time to observe and reflect upon how our industry creates connections large and small in so many ways.

Connecting the World

By enabling 1.2 billion people to explore new destinations internationally, the travel and tourism industry serves as a vital bridge that connects the world, fostering cultural exchange, economic growth, and global citizenship. Traveling breaks down geographical barriers and encourages the appreciation of diverse cultures and traditions. Tourism facilitates international cooperation and dialogue, as travelers bring with them not only their spending power but also their perspectives and experiences. In a world that can often seem divided we play a crucial role in uniting people, enriching lives, and fostering a sense of shared humanity.


Connecting the Community

While this may appear to be stating the obvious, it’s worth noting that when tourism flourishes in a community it creates an economy for new restaurants, attractions and other small businesses.When the U.S. Travel Association reported that the industry supports nearly 15 million jobs across the United States as of this year – it’s no exaggeration! Besides economics, tourism allows for a distinct sense of pride for residents who get to live in a place that is sought out by travelers, even if it’s a smaller tourism market. 


Connecting the Industry

We love to see industry leaders sharing the creativity that they admire from other organizations. Dan Rosenbaum, VP of Global Marketing at San Francisco Travel recently gave props to Explore Minnesota for their ability to act swiftly and with innovation in mind when a local sports fan took a quote from a player “Bring ya a**”, bought the domain and redirected it to the tourism site. We have to agree with Dan, the way they embraced the moment instead of shutting it down was exceptional destruptor behavior!